tanzania stranden safari

BEach Holiday

The best places for diving in Tanzania;

  • Mafia island – If you are a mad keen diver, and also want to go on a whale shark excursion to see these mighty and unbelievable animals in the flesh, then it has to be Mafia. The best place to stay on Mafia for all your diving needs is Kinasi lodge– mad keen on diving, but with very comfortable rooms and excellent food, it is a great place to base yourself.
  • Pemba island – If you love diving, Pemba has some of the very best in the world. Pemba is slightly more interesting to visit than Zanzibar – it is seriously off the beaten track and with only a handful of lodges on the island, it is rare to see any other tourists. The best place to stay is the original Pemba accommodation of Fundu lagoon where guests really fall in love with the island and the lodge, making guests return year after year.

If you are a very keen snorkeler then make sure you visit Mafia Island from November – March when you have a chance of swimming with (quite literally) the biggest fish in the sea, the mighty whale shark. Swimming side by side with these amazing fish is something you will not forget in a hurry! 

Kite Surfing in Tanzania

There are several places offering kite surfing in Zanzibar and it has grown to become a world capital of the sport. We can point you in the right direction.

The best places to stay for Kite Surfing in Zanzibar?

The best place to stay for Kite Surfing is without a doubt in the South East of Zanzibar. Luckily, there are a number of fabulous hotel options in the area.



Pristine beaches, clear ocean waters, and historical destinations are the main highlights in Zanzibar. Take a dip in Zanzibar’s sparkling tides, and witness the precious marine life under its salty seas. Safari Blue is the best pick if you want to experience a stunning African beach. You may also want to visit the Jozani Forest, where the famous red colobus monkey dwells. The region homes this rare primate, where you can also witness various birdlife. Visiting this destination wouldn’t be complete without learning its roots and history. Zanzibar is where Spice Island is located, which bears significant stories of the past. Wander the Stone Town,  where you can find the House of Wonders, National Museum of Zanzibar, and the Old Fort.

Pemba Island

Pemba Island, a hidden gem in the Zanzibar archipelago, offers a true paradise experience that should not be missed. With its lush hills, dense forests, thriving plantations, and pristine snow-like white sand beaches, Pemba embodies the essence of a tropical haven.

The island is home to three major towns: Chake Chake, where the airport is located; Mkoani, the ferry port town; and Wete, which is in close proximity to the enchanting Ngezi Forest and the stunning beaches on the northern tip of the island. Pemba remains mostly untouched by tourism, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in its authentic charm.

One of the highlights of exploring Pemba is strolling through the towns, particularly Wete, which offers a peaceful contrast to the bustling beach towns of Zanzibar. The island is known for its thriving clove cultivation, will catch  a whiff of the aromatic scent in the air as you explore the surroundings.

Pemba Island is a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. Its natural beauty, serene atmosphere, and authentic cultural experiences make it a perfect destination for those seeking a tranquil escape in a picturesque paradise.

Mafia Island

Mafia Island is Known for its serene and unspoiled beauty, Mafia has long been cherished by those seeking a tranquil and laid-back island getaway.

The archipelago boasts a collection of small yet exceptional lodges, ranging from enchanting treehouses to world-class private villas. With limited visitor numbers, Mafia offers an ideal destination for a relaxed and unhurried tropical retreat.

On arrival you will see paved roads meandering  through Mafia capital of Kilindoni before giving way to charming farming and fishing villages, verdant coconut plantations, and dense forests adorned with majestic baobabs, mango trees, and cashew trees.

The coastline of Mafia Island is adorned with intricate mangroves and dotted with golden bays. Here, traditional dhows and kayaks are launched into the turquoise waters, inviting exploration and adventure. For beach enthusiasts, boat excursions to idyllic sandbars are a must. Surrounded by gently lapping waves, visitors can indulge in picnics and swim in the crystal-clear waters of pristine, powder-white crescents of sand.

The ocean truly captivates visitors to Mafia Island. In 1995, the Mafia Island Marine Park was established to protect the archipelago’s vibrant reefs, making it one of Tanzania’s premier diving destinations. Divers and snorkelers alike will be enthralled by the diverse marine life, from vibrant clownfish and elusive octopuses to majestic rays, massive groupers, sharks, and dolphins in deeper waters. Within Chole Bay, the shallow reefs are perfect for snorkeling and learning to dive, while outside the bay, an expansive coral wall attracts experienced divers with its stunning giant table corals and vast stands of blue-tipped staghorn corals.

The island’s dedication to marine conservation is equally impressive. Witnessing the scuttle of Juani’s turtle hatchlings as they make their way to the sea is a heartwarming experience. Additionally, sailing or swimming alongside the annual whale shark migration is a remarkable wildlife encounter that ranks among Africa’s most awe-inspiring moments. Mafia Island offers unparalleled escapism and a chance to connect with nature in extraordinary ways.

Nature Activities in Unguja

Zanzibar is full of beauty, life, and history; and its famous capital, Stone Town isn’t just any town either. As such, visitors can expect to be treated to a sensory experience that is simply hard to find anywhere else in the world. This UNESCO World Heritage Site was once a flourishing trading hub that saw Africans, Arabs, Indians, and even Europeans coming together to exchange not just goods and services, but also their unique cultures. Today, there are several tours and activities around Stone Town with two of their most prominent being the Jozani Forest and Spice tours. Here’s what you need to know about them:

Jozani Forest Tour

This is usually a half day guided tour walking through a conservation area that was established in the 1960s in the core of Zanzibar Island. The Jozani Forest is quite large, covering an area of 50 square kilometers and includes a section of the Jozani Chwaka National Park. While there are lots to see and do during the tour, one of the main highlights is coming across the Red Colobus Monkey, a beautiful and rare primate that spend most their lives in the trees and bushes. This species cannot be seen anywhere else in the world. In fact, the Jozani Chwaka National Park was set to preserve this rare and endangered species, where they have managed to thrive in spite of deforestation and other tourism development projects on the island.

A major part of the revenue earned from the park’s entrance fees is used for a wide range of preservation initiatives, such as replanting trees and educating communities about the importance of conservation. So during your tour, you should do your bit in preserving this unique and fragile ecosystem and practice sustainable travel.

Tour Details

The Jozani Forest tour usually starts by visiting the natural forest where the smaller trees and bushes make several sub-canopies under the highest canopy. The vast diversity in this incredible woodland landscape is truly incredible. You will get to see the Mama Mtondoo, an intriguing mahogany tree that is believed to be over 200 years old. There’s also the fascinating twins — two separate tree species (one strangler fig and the other sycamore) growing together. You could also catch a glimpse of the massive raffia fern tree that boasts the distinction of having the largest leaves in the world.

As you progress further into this lush forest, you might come across its other residents — large butterfly species, millipedes, lizards, amphibians, and brilliantly colored sunbirds as they flit among the elegant tropical flowers. The forest trails also lead to sightings of other wildlife, such as Sykes monkey, shrew, galago, chameleon, and the shy Ader’s duiker or Suni antelope. There is an on-site turtle sanctuary initiated by the local community while further towards the bay, you will be able to view distinct varieties of colorful fish in the water along with mollusks and crabs.

Zanzibar Spice Tour

The Spice Tour is one of the most popular excursions in Stone Town. It is a unique opportunity to breathe in Zanzibar’s scents and spices on a 4 – 6 hour walking excursion to see some of the world’s most exotic spices. Back in the day, the Arabs started large spice plantations, which made Zanzibar the world’s biggest exporter of cloves at the time and earned the nickname, the spice island. Today, Zanzibar is still renowned for its clove, nutmeg, cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon, chili, and black pepper.

Tour Details


The Spice Tour is a unique opportunity to see and buy these spices at the source. You will get to the spice farms (shamba) deep in the countryside, where you will see how the spices, herbs, and fruits are cultivated and processed. You get to meet the farmers and learn about African farming methods and even perform some techniques yourself. The tour guide describes how best to use these crops while you can go all out, smelling and tasting spices, herbs and tropical fruits like coconuts, papaya, cassava and oranges. Many of the lands were created specifically for showing crops/spices to tourists.

After the tour, you can enjoy a traditional Swahili lunch at the farm, which is when can really taste the different ways these spices are used. You could also join in a short cooking lesson in the farm’s outdoor kitchen. The tour ends with a stop at stalls that sell fresh packaged spices, fruits, and even essential oils and perfumes.

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